Artic, your custom dry suit

If you think it’s time to switch to dry suit and seek advice Artic is your brand.

Technical Drysuit Artic, headquartered in Barcelona, ​​is dedicated to the sale, distribution and advice of these suits that will allow you to dive all year round or do it in places where you would not dare to wear a wet suit … They manufacture custom suits, giving you the comfort that only a garment made exclusively for you can give you.

On the other hand, its technical service is a reference for both professionals in the sector and individuals; since they perform all kinds of repairs on suits and other garments of the aquatic world. Repair any brand, not only your own, and you can request their service regardless of whether your suit is neoprene or trilaminate.

Their delivery times are usually brief and they are always in contact with the customer to customize their repairs as much as possible.

If you want to know their costumes and their good work, do not hesitate to stop by our diving fair in Madrid to pay them a visit.


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