Felipe Ravina Olivares
Director of "Species of the Canary Islands". Videographer of recognized prestige, and raps composer on marine themes. Silver Award 2019 at the Salon de la Plongée, in Paris, for his documentary "El Hierro: un mundo volcánico" ("El Hierro: a volcanic world").
Especies de Canarias

Felipe Ravina Olivares
Director de “Especies de Canarias”. Videógrafo de reconocido prestigio, y compositor de raps sobre temática marina. Silver Award 2019 en el Salon de la Plongée, de París, por su documental “El Hierro: un mundo volcánico”.

Juan Luis Cano
Member of the well-known humorous duo "GOMA ESPUMA", and currently director and conductor of the radio program "LAS PIERNAS NO SON DEL CUERPO", which is broadcast on the Spanish radio station ONDA MELODÍA.